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Press Releases

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Date Topics
2007/12/31 Transcript of SCMA's remarks to reporters
2007/12/30 SARG responds to Mainland Affairs Council
2007/12/30 Transcript of SCMA's remarks to reporters
2007/12/30 Hong Kong community expects political parties to cooperate on democracy
2007/12/20 Two forums on Hong Kong's constitutional development
2007/12/18 Hong Kong/Shenzhen co-operation achieves a milestone
2007/12/16 Transcript of SCMA's remarks to reporters
2007/12/15 Transcript of SCMA's remarks to reporters
2007/12/14 Statistics on Code on Access to Information
2007/12/14 Transcript of SCMA's remarks to media
2007/12/13 Transcript of SCMA's remarks to media (with photo)
2007/12/12 Constitutional development public consultation reports published
2007/12/12 Transcript of press conference on constitutional development report
2007/12/12 LCQ13: Remuneration package for Officials Under Political Appointment System
2007/12/09 SCMA officiates at opening of racial harmony variety show (with photo)
2007/12/07 Permanent Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs visits Beijing (with photos)
2007/12/05 Amendments to the Legislative Council Ordinance to update the electorate of functional constituencies
2007/12/03 Legislative Council Hong Kong Island By-election Concluded
2007/12/02 Transcript of Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs after voting (with photos)
2007/12/02 Transcript of SCMA's remarks after visiting a polling station (with photos)
2007/11/28 Transcript of SCMA's remarks to media (English only)
2007/11/28 LCQ7: Elections expenditure
2007/11/25 Government Response to Kwok Ka-ki: HK elections always fair, open and just
2007/11/21 LCQ5: 2007 District Council election and Legislative Council By-election
2007/11/21 LCQ3: Amendments to the Sex Discrimination Ordinance and Disability Discrimination Ordinance
2007/11/18 Transcript of SCMA's remarks after visiting a polling station (with photo)
2007/11/18 Transcript of Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs after voting (with photo)
2007/11/16 Government responds to US Congress' US-China Economic and Security Review Commission - 2007 Report
2007/11/15 HKSAR submits follow-up human rights report to UN Committee
2007/11/14 Transcript of SCMA's media session (English only)
2007/11/09 Photo exhibition promotes racial harmony
2007/11/07 LCQ3: Public opinion survey on Legislative Council by-election
2007/10/30 Government's response to enquiries on Further Development of the Political Appointment System
2007/10/17 Report details way forward for further development of Political Appointment System
2007/10/17 Geographical constituency recommendations accepted for 2008 Legco election
2007/10/17 LCQ3: Arrangements of the District Council elections and Legislative Council by-election
2007/10/17 LCQ2: Facilitating communication between Legislative Council functional constituency Members and their constituents
2007/10/15 Transcript of SCMA's media session
2007/10/10 Public consultation on Green Paper closes tonight
2007/10/09 Transcript of SCMA's media session
2007/10/09 SCMA receives submissions from legislators, community organisations(with photo)
2007/10/08 SCMA meets with representatives of Savantas Policy Institute (with photo)
2007/10/07 Government's response to procession: opinions expressed during consultation period will form basis for assessment
2007/10/05 PSCMA meeting with representatives of HK CPPCC Members Association (with photo)
2007/10/05 PSCMA meeting with representatives of Hong Kong Association of International Co-operation of Small and Medium Enterprises (with photo)
2007/10/04 SCMA meeting with representatives of real estate agents' sector (with photo)
2007/10/03 SCMA meeting with tourism sector (with photo)
2007/10/01 Government's response to procession on constitutional development
2007/09/21 Appointments to Personal Data (Privacy) Advisory Committee announced
2007/09/19 SCMA attends Kwun Tong District Council meeting (with photo)
2007/09/18 SCMA attends Wan Chai District Council meeting (with photo)
2007/09/17 SCMA meets several sectors on constitutional development green paper(with photo)
2007/09/16 Government encourages response to Green Paper
2007/09/15 SCMA attends Civil Society Forum (with photos)
2007/09/15 SCMA calls on voters to cast votes in DC Election(With photos)
2007/09/14 SCMA meets with the real estate sector (with photos)
2007/09/14 SCMA attends North District Council meeting (with photos)
2007/09/13 SCMA attends Kwai Tsing District Council meeting (with photos)
2007/09/13 SCMA attends Southern District Council meeting (with photos)
2007/09/12 CS attends New Territories East regional forum on constitutional development (with photos)
2007/09/11 Government officials meet different sectors on constitutional development green paper(with photos)
2007/09/10 SCMA attends Eastern District Council meeting (with photos)
2007/09/08 SCMA attends Kowloon district seminar (with photos)
2007/09/07 Acting CE, SCMA meets with 30's group (with photo)
2007/09/07 CS speaks on constitutional development(wtih photos)
2007/09/06 SCMA attends China Universities Alumni (Hong Kong) Association seminar (with photos)
2007/09/06 SCMA attends Central and Western District Council meeting (with photos)
2007/09/06 SCMA attends Kowloon City District Council meeting (with photos)
2007/09/04 SCMA attends Tai Po District Council meeting (with photo)
2007/09/04 SCMA attends Wong Tai Sin District Council meeting (with photo)
2007/09/03 SCMA meets with different sectors on constitutional development green paper (with photos)
2007/09/01 SCMA attends seminar on Constitutional Development (with photo)
2007/08/31 SCMA attends seminar organised by the Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (with photo)
2007/08/31 SCMA gathers views on Green Paper (with photos)
2007/08/29 Hong Kong has constitutional foundation to attain democratic goal: SCMA (with photo)
2007/08/29 Second open forum on Green Paper next week
2007/08/28 Transcript of SCMA's media session on Green Paper on Constitutional Development (with photo)
2007/08/27 Transcript of SCMA's media session on Green Paper on Constitutional Development (with photos)
2007/08/26 Government sincere in implementing universal suffrage
2007/08/23 SCMA attends Yuen Long District Council meeting (with photo)
2007/08/22 CS attends Heung Yee Kuk meeting on constitutional development (with photo)
2007/08/21 CS luncheon with DC Chairmen and Vice-chairmen (with photo)
2007/08/20 SCMA attends Islands District Council meeting (with photo)
2007/08/18 Government committed to implementing universal suffrage
2007/08/17 Statistics on the Code on Access to Information
2007/08/17 Open forums to gauge public views on Green Paper
2007/08/16 CS attends business community forum on constitutional development (with photo)
2007/08/16 HKSARG responds to statement in Taiwan
2007/08/15 SCMA meets representatives of the Import and Export Functional Constituency (with photo)
2007/08/15 SCMA speaks on Green Paper on Constitutional Development
2007/08/13 SCMA meets with representatives from agriculture and fisheries sector (with photo)
2007/08/09 SCMA speaks on Legislative Council by-election
2007/08/04 Government's response to Anson Chan's open letter to CE
2007/08/02 Tenth Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference held in Hong Kong today
2007/08/01 Governor of Guangdong visits Hong Kong (with photos)
2007/07/26 Response to UK Six-monthly Report on HK: Provisions of Basic Law more democratic than those in Joint Declaration
2007/07/24 CMAB responds to comments on Green Paper
2007/07/23 Government's response to remarks by Mrs Anson Chan concerning the Green Paper on Constitutional Development
2007/07/22 Response to remarks by Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki: Government has not taken any view on issue of universal suffrage
2007/07/17 CS attended the Ninth Working Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference (with photos)
2007/07/15 SCMA speaks on Green Paper on Constitutional Development
2007/07/15 Green Paper's clear objective: setting models, roadmap and timetable for implementing universal suffrage
2007/07/12 Transcript of Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs' standup briefing
2007/07/11 Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council publishes study report
2007/07/11 Transcript of remarks by CS and SCMA at press conference on "Green Paper on Constitutional Development"
2007/07/11 LCQ7: Polling date of the LegCo election
2007/07/11 Green Paper on Constitutional Development published
2007/07/09 Government aims to provide an open and liberal environment (with photo)
2007/07/08 CMAB's response to remarks by Lee Cheuk-yan
2007/07/06 EAC Report on 2007 Chief Executive Election published
2007/07/05 Response to US-HK Policy Act Report 2006
2007/07/04 SCMA:World recognises successful implementation of "One Country, Two Systems" in HKSAR (with photos)
2007/07/04 LCQ9: Protection of personal data
2007/07/02 Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau spokesman: Hong Kong can maintain rule of law and attain universal suffrage in accordance with Basic Law