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Public Consultation on Prisoners' Voting Right

From 9 February to 23 March 2009, the Government consulted the public on the policy options for relaxing the restrictions on prisoners' voting right and the practical arrangements for prisoners and remanded unconvicted persons to vote.

a. Consultation Document on Prisoners' Voting Right (pdf)

b. Press Release on the Consultation
b1 - English
b2 - Chinese
b3 - Tagalog
b4 - Hindi
b5 - Indonesian
b6 - Thai
b7 - Nepali
b8 - Urdu


The Court's Judgment dated 8 December 2008 on the three Judicial Review Cases on Prisoners Voting Right (English Version only)

On 9 April 2009, the Government published the Report on Public Consultation on Prisoners' Voting Right to report the result of the public consultation exercise on prisoners' voting right and set out the proposed way forward.

d. Report on Public Consultation on Prisoners' Voting Right (pdf)

e. Report on Public Consultation on Prisoners' Voting Right
- Appendix (pdf)
- Appendix (Supplement) (pdf)

f. Press Release on the Report
f1 - English
f2 - Chinese
f3 - Tagalog
f4 - Hindi
f5 - Indonesian
f6 - Thai
f7 - Nepali
f8 - Urdu

g. The Court's Judgment dated 11 March 2009 on Relief Granted (English Version only)