
Compendium of submissions received during the public consultation of the outline of topics of the Second Report of the PRC under the ICESCR – Part Two: HKSAR


No. Form
1. 香港個人資料私隱專員公署
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
2. 楊默先生
Mr Yang Mo
3. 香港手語及聾人文化協會
4. 啟同服務社
5. 香港同志社區聯席
Tongzi Community Joint Meeting
6. 婦女事務委員會
Women's Commission
7. 楊位醒先生 M.H.
Mr Yeung Wai Sing, M.H.
8. 國際特赦組織(香港)
Amnesty International (Hong Kong)
9. 香港人權監察
Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
10. 防止虐待兒童會有限公司
Against Child Abuse Limited
11. 香港婦聯
Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited
12. 香港兒科醫學院
Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
13. 香港記者協會
Hong Kong Journalists Association
14. 香港工會聯合會
The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions
Hong Kong Human Rights Commission
Society for Community Organization
16. 何可華先生
Mr Ho Ho Wah