
Compendium of submissions received during the public consultation of the outline of topics of the Third Report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the light of the ICCPR


No. From
1. Bill Purves
2. 香港公民协会
Hong Kong Civic Association
3. 香港教育学院学生会社会学会
Social Affairs Association of the Hong Kong Institute of Education
4. 许君耀先生
Mr Hui Kwan Yiu
5. 国际特赦组织 (香港)
Amnesty International (Hong Kong)
6. 香港人权监察
Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
7. 刘慧卿议员, JP
Hon Emily Lau Wai Hing, JP
8. 香港个人资料私隐专员公署
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
9. Jeff Wang
Hong Kong Human Rights Commission
Society for Community Organization
New Immigrants' Mutual Aid Association
Asylum Seekers' and Refugees' Voice
11. 一名坪洲居民
12. 防止虐待儿童会有限公司
Against Child Abuse Limited
13. 香港基督教服务处
Hong Kong Christian Service
14. 香港融乐会
Hong Kong Unison
15. 香港大律师公会
Hong Kong Bar Association