Press Releases

Voter registration drive kicked off

The 2003 Voter Registration Campaign was kicked off today (June 1) at a ceremony featuring Government officials, celebrities, popular artistes and about 500 young people at the Shatin Town Hall Plaza.

The Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, and the Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission, Mr Justice Woo Kwok-hing, officiated at the launch.

Canto-pop singers, Twins and Boy'z, and two of Hong Kong's outstanding young athletes, Mr Wu Siu-hong and Miss Yu Chui-yee, joined Mr Lam and Mr Justice Woo to call on eligible young people to register as voters.

A big birthday cake picture was formed by about 500 young people by holding up colour flip cards. This was a greeting gesture to all young people who have turned 18, the qualifying age for electors.

Eighteen youngsters each representing a District Council constituency went on stage to sign giant elector registration forms. Mr Lam and Mr Justice Woo received them on behalf of the Registration and Electoral Office.

The ceremony was pushed to its climax when Mr Lam, Mr Justice Woo, together with the Director of Information Services, Miss Yvonne Choi Ying-pik; the Director of Home Affairs, Ms Janet Wong Wing-chen; Electoral Affairs Commission member, Mr Norman Leung Nai-pang; Twins and Boy'z each held up a publicity board to form a campaign slogan, "Come and register as an elector".

At the same time at their back some 500 young people turned their flip cards bearing the campaign logo.

The ceremony was followed by a mini-concert featuring Canto-pop singers to help drive home the campaign messages.

Throughout today's event, six counters were manned by Home Affairs Department staff to help eligible people apply for voter registration or allow registered electors to update their residential addresses.

End/Sunday, June 1, 2003