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Compendium of submissions received during the public consultation of the outline of topics of the Third Report of the PRC under the ICESCR – Part Two: HKSAR


No. From
1. 香港妇联
Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited
2. 香港性文化学会
Hong Kong Sex Culture Society Limited
3. 香港融乐会
Hong Kong Unison
4. 明光社
The Society for Truth and Light
5. 全港关注劏房平台
Hong Kong Subdivided Flats Concerning Platform
6. Blue Skies China
7. 张振峰先生
8. 黄秀云女士
Ms WONG Sau-wan Teresa
9. 公民党
Civic Party
10. 关注妇女性暴力协会
Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
11. 关注家庭暴力受害人法权会
The Association for Concern for Legal Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence
12. 童梦同想
Kids’ Dream
13. 香港儿童权利委员会
Hong Kong Committee on Children’s Rights
14. 周炜琪女士
Miss CHAU Wai-ki
15. 平等机会委员会
Equal Opportunities Commission
16. 民主党
Democratic Party
17. 女角平权协作组
Les Corner Empowerment Association
18. 融幼社
PathFinders Limited
19. 香港融乐会
Hong Kong Unison
20. 黄启旸先生
Mr WONG Kai-yeung