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LC: Speech by SCA in moving motion in LegCo

Following is the speech (English translation) by the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, in moving the motion to amend the Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 at the Legislative Council Meeting this (July 13) afternoon:

Madam President,

I move that the Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 (the amendment regulation) be amended as set out in the Agenda.

The Electoral Affairs Commission (the EAC) has made the above amendment regulation to ensure the smooth conduct of the coming Election Committee (EC) subsector elections to be held in December 2006. The amendments involved are basically technical in nature. Apart from consequential amendments arising from the latest provisions in the Chief Executive Election Ordinance, the amendment regulation also includes amendments to align the electoral procedures for EC subsector elections, where appropriate, with those for the Legislative Council Election, and to rationalise certain existing electoral arrangements.

The amendment regulation, together with two other pieces of amendment regulations, was tabled in the Legislative Council on May 24, 2006. A Subcommittee was subsequently set up by the Council to examine these regulations. The Subcommittee has completed the scrutiny process. The Administration now puts forward proposed amendments to the Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) (Amendment) Regulation 2006, in response to Members' views on the Chief Electoral Officer's power to revoke the appointment of electoral staff. We also propose amendments to further refine the drafting and presentation of the English version of section 77 of the amendment regulation, and the Chinese version of section 100 of the amendment regulation, so as to make these provisions even clearer.

All the proposed amendments as set out in the motion are supported by the Subcommittee. I would like to sincerely thank the Hon. Howard Young, the Subcommittee Chairman, and the other Members of the Subcommittee, for the valuable comments they made during the scrutiny process.

Thank you, Madam President.

Ends/Thursday, July 13, 2006