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2012 Voter Registration Campaign launched (with photos)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam; the Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission, Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah; and the Director of Home Affairs, Mrs Pamela Tan, officiated at the launching ceremony for the 2012 Voter Registration Campaign today (March 31) at the Park Central Shopping Arcade, Tseung Kwan O.

     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Tam pointed out that the "one person, two votes" arrangement will be introduced in the Legislative Council (LegCo) Election on September 9. For the newly established District Council (DC) (Second) functional constituency (FC), about 3 million electors throughout Hong Kong who do not belong to any traditional FCs will cast their "second votes" to return five LegCo Members.

     Mr Tam said, "I appeal to those who are eligible to register as voters on or before May 16 in order to vote in the LegCo Election in September.

     "When registering as voters, please remember to fill in the application form with your true and accurate residential address. If you are registered as a voter and have moved, please notify the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) by June 29 to update your residential address, so that you can receive the notification from the REO and vote in the LegCo Election in September."

     The Deputy Director of Broadcasting, Miss Leonia Tai, and one of the Voter Registration Ambassadors, Miss Kandy Wong, also took part in the launching ceremony. A number of LegCo Members and DC Chairmen and Vice-chairmen also attended to support the voter registration campaign.

     The ceremony was jointly organised by the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, the REO and Radio Television Hong Kong. The REO also set up voter registration counters to provide services at the event venue today.

Ends/Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam, spoke at the launching ceremony for 2012 Voter Registration Campaign this afternoon (March 31).

Launching ceremony for 2012 Voter Registration Campaign (1)

The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam, spoke at the launching ceremony for 2012 Voter Registration Campaign this afternoon (March 31).

Mr Tam (centre), with other officiating guests, calls on eligible persons to sign up as voters at the launching ceremony.

Launching ceremony for 2012 Voter Registration Campaign (2)

Mr Tam (centre), with other officiating guests, calls on eligible persons to sign up as voters at the launching ceremony.