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SCMA attends National Day activity in Wong Tai Sin (English only)(with photos)

The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, this (September 27) morning celebrates the National Day in advance with community personalities and residents of Wong Tai Sin in a programme which includes a flag raising ceremony and an inspection of uniform groups in the district.

SCMA attends National Day activity in Wong Tai Sin (1)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, this (September 27) morning celebrates the National Day in advance with community personalities and residents of Wong Tai Sin in a programme which includes a flag raising ceremony and an inspection of uniform groups in the district.

     Speaking at the occasion, Mr Lam noted that the country had made remarkable achievements in the economic, technological and other aspects as well as improvements in people's livelihood in the past 30 years of reforms and open policy. Its international status had also risen. Mr Lam also encouraged the young members of the uniform groups parading today to pitch their efforts in serving the community.

     The celebration today, held at the Wong Tai Sin Cultural Garden, is organised by the Wong Tai Sin District Council Wong Tai Sin District National Day Celebration Organising Committee. Apart from the flag raising ceremony, a parade by uniform groups and song and dance, it also featured a photograph exhibition on the National Day theme.

     Photograph shows Mr Lam addressing the uniform groups of the Wong Tai Sin district taking part in the parade today.

Photograph shows Mr Lam speaking to a uniform group member when inspecting the uniform groups.

SCMA attends National Day activity in Wong Tai Sin (2)

Photograph shows Mr Lam speaking to a uniform group member when inspecting the uniform groups.

Photograph shows Mr Lam speaking to a uniform group member when inspecting the uniform groups.

SCMA attends National Day activity in Wong Tai Sin (3)

Photograph shows Mr Lam speaking to a uniform group member when inspecting the uniform groups.

Photograph shows Mr Lam with members of the Wong Tai Sin Children's Choir performing at the event.

SCMA attends National Day activity in Wong Tai Sin (4)

Photograph shows Mr Lam with members of the Wong Tai Sin Children's Choir performing at the event.