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Press Releases

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Government's response to latest development in 'Three Direct Links'

     In response to media enquiries regarding the further opening up of transportation and postal services between the Mainland and Taiwan, a Government spokesman said today (November 4):

      "The HKSAR Government supports the latest development in the implementation of the 'Three Direct Links' across the Taiwan Strait (the Strait). Hong Kong will certainly benefit from the closer economic cooperation and exchanges among people as well as the prospering of economies on both sides of the Strait. Hong Kong's role as an international financial centre and service hub will become more prominent.

      "Regarding the possible impacts on Hong Kong's re-export trade, tourism and air and maritime transport sectors, the HKSAR Government believes that these will be relatively short-term. With enhanced relations across the Strait, the overall economy of the region will grow.

      "In the medium and long run, the implementation of the 'Three Direct Links' will help strengthen Hong Kong's role as the international financial centre in Asia. Hong Kong will continue to have a significant competitive edge with our sound financial and legal systems, free flow of information and professional business services support. We will continue to play a key role in providing corporate finance and high value-added services to markets across the Strait."

Ends/Tuesday, November 4, 2008