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Transcript of SCA's stand-up briefing

Following is the transcript (English portion) of a stand-up briefing given by the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, at a reception in celebration of the Sixth Anniversary of the Return of Hong Kong to China this (August 15) evening:

SCA: I would like to say that in the six years since reunification, with the support of different quarters of the community in Hong Kong, we have been successful in implementing "One Country, Two Systems". Also, the consistent position of the HKSAR Government is to support reunification on the basis of the "One China" principle. We also believe that this position receives the broad support of our community in Hong Kong. We therefore hope that when Members of the Legislative Council make visits outside of Hong Kong, whether these visits are to Taiwan or to other places, they will reflect the latest situation on the ground here in Hong Kong and also reflect mainstream opinion.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion.)

End/Friday, August 15, 2003