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List of Records

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Constitutional and Electoral Affairs

  • Electoral legislation
  • Public consultation documents
  • Administrative/logistics arrangements for conducting elections
  • Election petitions and complaints

Joint Liaison Group

  • Plenary sessions
  • Expert talks

Preparatory Committee Related Matters

  • Talks and meetings
  • Administrative/organizational arrangements

Land-related and Infrastructure-related Matters

  • Meetings
  • Land related matters
  • Infrastructural issues
  • New airport issues

Cross-boundary Matters

  • Liaison between Hong Kong and Guangdong
  • Cross boundary co-operation matters

Exchanges with the Mainland

  • Visits
  • Meetings
  • General exchanges

Basic Law Related Matters

  • Public consultation documents
  • Meetings and reports
  • Promotional matters

Legal and Judicial Matters

  • Adaptation of Laws
  • Legal issues
  • Judicial issues

LegCo Related Matters

  • LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs
  • Other LegCo business (briefings, motion debates, Q & As)

Bureau Administration

  • General Administration Matters
    • office accommodation and management matters
    • office automation and data administration
    • circulars, regulations and government publications
  • Personnel Matters
    • general staffing matters
    • staff appraisal, training and management
    • duty visits
  • Finance and Supplies Matters
    • estimates of expenditure
    • Finance Committee and related matters
    • Resource Allocation Exercise
    • office equipment, furniture and appliances

Human Rights

  • Public consultation documents
  • Human rights treaties and reporting matters under the treaties
  • Racial harmony and equality related matters
  • Promotion of equal opportunities for sexual minorities related matters