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Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (2)

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Ms. Mandy WONG

Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (2)

  • Oversee the policy on liaison with the Central People's Government (CPG) and co-ordinate HKSAR's input to the National Five-Year Plans, and liaise with the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (OCMFA) on the conduct of HKSAR's external affairs
  • Oversee the strategies and efforts on HKSAR's co-operation with Mainland provinces / autonomous regions/ municipalities (except Guangdong)
  • Oversee the legislative amendments and policy matters relating to national flag, national emblem, national anthem, regional flag and regional emblem
  • Oversee the promotion of the Constitution and the Basic Law and assist in the work of the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee
  • Oversee the policy on functions and housekeeping of the Mainland Offices and the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office in Taiwan (the Mainland and Taiwan Offices)
  • Assist in overseeing the policy on Hong Kong/Taiwan relations and advise on matters relating to co-operation and exchanges with Taiwan

Principal Assistant Secretary (1)

Mr Dennis CHING

Principal Assistant Secretary (7)

Ms Cordelia LAM