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The Fifth Report

The Fifth Report

The Fourth Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force
Regional Forum (New Territories West)
(5 March 2005)

Discussion Summaries of Group 3
Group Facilitator: Mr AU YEUNG Sung-fun


Method for Selecting the Chief Executive

The Number of Members of the Election Committee

  • Participants agreed that people of different sectors should be given the opportunity to participate in the Election Committee. They suggested the number of members be increased to 1 600.

The Composition of the Election Committee

  • Participants suggested that if the size of Election Committee were expanded to 1 600, each sector should be increased to 400 members.

  • Participants considered that adjustments to existing subsectors should be made, and new subsectors added. A participant suggested including representatives from sectors such as Chinese medicine practitioners, women, etc.

  • Participants held different views on whether the number of representatives from District Councils should be increased. A participant considered that District Council members should be allowed to participate in the Election Committee. Participants holding opposite view considered that as District Council members came from different political parties and backgrounds and as different political parties had different number of District Council members, each member would have a different degree of influence on the Chief Executive election. Therefore, it was inappropriate for them to participate in the Election Committee.

The Number of Members Required for Nominating Candidates

  • Participants agreed that if the size of Election Committee were 1 600, the requirement of 100 subscribers would be appropriate. This would be one-sixteenth of the total membership, which meant that the threshold for nomination was lowered. This would encourage more people to run for elections.

  • Participants agreed that candidates should obtain cross-sector nomination. A participant suggested that there should be an upper and a lower limit on the number of subscribers required for each sector. Alternatively, a candidate should obtain support from a specified proportion in each sector. Another participant suggested that the requirement could be flexible.

The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of the Election Committee

  • Participants supported expanding the delineation and size of the electorate.

  • Participants considered that corporate voting should be replaced by individual voting gradually with a view to enhancing participation.


  • Many participants considered that it was not important whether a Chief Executive came from a political party so long as he loved China and Hong Kong. Another participant considered that if the Chief Executive had political affiliation, it would be conducive to the development of political parties and governance.

  • Participants supported that universal suffrage was the ultimate aim and hoped that it could be achieved in 2012. If conditions were not ripe then, the timetable could be adjusted accordingly.

Method for Forming the Legislative Council

The Number of Seats in the Legislative Council

  • Many participants were of the view that the number of seats should be increased to realize the principle of gradual and orderly progress. Participants agreed to an increase to 70 seats.

The Number of Seats Returned by Geographical Constituencies

  • To ensure balanced participation, participants suggested that the number of seats returned by geographical constituencies be increased to 35.

The Number of Seats Returned by Functional Constituencies

  • To ensure balanced participation, participants suggested that the number of seats returned by functional constituencies be increased to 35.

The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of Legislative Council Functional Constituencies

  • Participants were of the view that the electorate should be broadened. In addition, corporate voting should be replaced by individual voting gradually so as to ensure balanced participation.

  • A participant proposed to restructure functional constituencies.

  • A participant suggested adding new constituencies for Chinese medicine practitioners and Chinese enterprises.

Provisions regarding Nationality of Legislative Council Members

  • While participants held different views, the majority considered that the current provision in the Basic Law could be maintained. If a person loved China and Hong Kong, he could become a Legislative Council Member even if he was a foreign national.


  • A participant was of the view that members returned by geographical constituencies represented the grassroots sector whilst members returned by functional constituencies represented professionals and other sectors. Therefore, in order to realize the principle of balanced participation, functional constituencies should be retained.

  • A participant hoped that members returned by functional constituencies should not be uncontested in future.

  • Participants hoped that universal suffrage could be implemented in 2012. However, if conditions were not ripe then, the time for universal suffrage could be adjusted.


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